Welcome to Drilling and well completion
Expected learning outcomes:
■ to learn fundamental and applied drilling operations
■ Describe drilling operation systems
■ Outline basic drilling problems and remedies.
Recommended textbooks
■ Applied Drilling Engineering by Adam T. Bourgoyne SPE textbook
■ Advanced Blow-out and Well Control by Robert Grace, 1994
■ Advanced Oilwell Drilling Engineering Handbook by Bill Mitchell, 1995
■ Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering by Mitchell R.F and Miska S. SPE 2011.
……what is important to me
■ Share your individual knowledge and experiences with others; build your own
study groups, learn and practice together to discuss evidence-based arguments
■ Ask questions especially the dumb ones – you wont be the only one that doesn't
know the answer
■ Use resources material as a starting point for your own research– explore the
open literature but don’t get distracted (develop your individual strategy on how
to search the web for relevant informatio
- Teacher: Lois Lolim
- Teacher: odel trainer